Help our community control the spread of Dutch Elm Disease in Gravelbourg. Our town is a better place to live with a healthy tree canopy.

To view the full agenda with supporting documents, minutes, and video recordings, please visit the Council Meeting page.

Gravelbourg celebrates the Month of La Francophonie

Whether you're serving up delicious eats, offering top-notch services, or selling amazing products, your voice is essential in shaping our town’s future.

A message from Mayor Forest

Complete the Town of Gravelbourg Quality of Life Survey
Matt Forest says he’s striving to bring an air of change to the community.

As of February 22, 2025, the Town will no longer charge disposal fees at the Transfer Station.

Women aged 47 and older with no breast symptoms can book their screening mammogram by calling toll free 1-855-584-8228. No health-care provider referral needed.

Gravelbourg Braves the Cold for Red Apple Grand Opening

It's been a snowy week! Here are a few things to keep in mind when clearing your property: