Moose Jaw and Gravelbourg are now part of the Welcoming Francophone Communities initiative (WFC)
Moose Jaw and Gravelbourg were selected to take part in the Welcoming Francophone Communities initiative (WFC), (https://www.rif-sk.ca/cfa/initiative-cfa). This initiative will benefit from the support of the Francophone Immigration Network of Saskatchewan (RIF-SK) (https://www.rif-sk.ca) for its implementation. 14 communities across Canada outside of Quebec were chosen to take part in this initiative. Its goal is to strengthen the inclusion and retention of French-speaking newcomers to Canada.
The Welcoming Francophone Communities initiative is part of a national strategy (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/prepare-life-canada/choose-city/francophone-communities-outside-quebec/welcome.html). Its aims to enhance the vitality of Francophone minority communities through immigration.
The communities of Moose Jaw and Gravelbourg already offer Francophone schools (https://ecolefrancophone.com/fr/portails) and French immersion schools (https://www.bonjoursk.ca/fr/education/avantage-langue-seconde), French classes (https://www.bonjoursk.ca/fr/francophonie/moose-jaw) and a vibrant Francophone presence (https://www.facebook.com/ACFMooseJaw/).
For more information, please contact Sandrine Lebon, (agent@rif-sk.ca), project officer of the Francophone Immigration Network of Saskatchewan, at (306) 513-6515.