If you would like to post an employement opportunity, please email all relevant details to edo@gravelbourg.ca. Local employment opportunities are often posted on the Gravelbourg Online Facebook page and at the Post Office and Co-op bulletin boards.
RM 104
Posted March 12, 2025
Camp Woodboia
For more infromation or to apply, please visit the Camp Woodboia website.
Repossted March 21, 2025
Town of Gravelbourg
The Town of Gravelbourg is seeking an interested community member to help ensure the roles, processes and procedures are in place when an emergency or catastrophic event occurs within our community. This position requires the ability to provide coordination and action of multiple resources and agencies to ensure the security and safety of the Town and its residents.
As the Emergency Measures Organization Coordinator you would have the desire and time required to help in the planning, communication, coordination and delivery of all facets necessary to protect our residents’ lives and property in the event of a major emergency.
The selected person will have the opportunity to:
- Take specialized training related to the position.
- Be provided resources to assist with your duties.
- Have the reward of interacting with and playing an important role in the Town ofGravelbourg and;
- Receive a small but regular monetary stipend for maintaining the organization in a stateof preparedness.
We encourage you to consider the position as EMO Coordinator and ask that you provide the Town Office with your expression of interest by March 15, 2025.email: cao@gravelbourg.camail: Box 359, Gravelbourg, SK S0H 1X0in person: 209 Main Street (old courthourse), Gravelbourg, SK
Posted February 25, 2025
Saskatchewan Health Authority/St. Joseph's Hospital
Family Physician
We are seeking a dynamic and committed family physician to provide services to clients within a large geographic catchment population of approximately 8,000. Working with experienced physician colleagues, the successful candidate will join an established fee-for-service clinic. In addition to clinic duties, the successful physician will provide emergency room on-call coverage and care for residents in the community hospital/integrated long term care facility – St. Joseph’s Hospital/Foyer d’Youville, owned and operated by Emmanuel Care.
A comprehensive range of health services are provided in Gravelbourg. St. Joseph’s Hospital/Foyer d’Youville is an integrated hospital and long term care facility with 9 acute care beds and 50 long term care beds (Levels 3 and 4).Laboratory and therapies services are also available.
Please see https://www.saskdocs.ca/ for more information.
Gravelbourg is part of the Rural and Remote Recruitment Incenctive Program. For more details, please visit the Government of Saskatchewan's Incentives for Healthcare Professionals page.
All current employment opportunities: https://www.saskhealthauthority.ca/careers
Current employment opportunities: https://www.saskhealthauthority.ca/careers
Town of Gravelbourg: Transette Drivers
École Mathieu de Gravelbourg et Beau Soleil
Responsable de résidence scolaire (École Mathieu de Gravelbourg)
Animateur.trice de résidence scolaire (École Mathieu de Gravelbourg)
Assistant.e en éducation inclusive (École Mathieu et école Beau Soleil de Gravelbourg)
Enseignant.e (École Beau Soleil et école Mathieu de Gravelbourg)
Cuisinier.ère (Résidence scolaire, École Mathieu de Gravelbourg)
Agents(es) pédagogiques en milieu rural en Saskatchewan
TD Bank: Personal Banker
Posted October 21, 2024