Health Care Services
Gravelbourg is a member of the Five Hills Health Region and is proud to offer a variety of health care services to the community and surrounding area.
St. Joseph's Hospital/Foyer d'Youville
216 Bettez St (Main Entrance at 1st Ave West)
PH: 306-648-3185
The modern St. Joseph's Hospital/Foyer d'Youville is a fully accredited integrated facility.
Primary Services:
- Emergency 24/7
- General medical inpatient care (9 beds)
- Outpatient services
- Diagnostic services - radiology, laboratory and electrocardiography
- Respite care
- Outreach programs
- Palliative care
- Convalescent care
- Long-term care (49 beds)
- 3 doctors
Additional Services:
Melody Telorobotic Ultrasound Clinic
Office Hours: Tuesdays 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
PH: 306-648-3185 x 1232
Bookings for the following services take place through your Physician/Nurse Practitioner:
- abdomen
- pelvic
- renal/bladder
- obstetric (1st & 3rd trimester)
The Melody Telerobotic Ultrasound Research project provides access to ultrasonography services at St. Joseph's hospital in Gravelbourg, SK. From more information about the project, please go here.
Community Health Services
Gravelbourg Public Health Nurses provide the following services:
- Health promotion and education
- Prenatal classes
- Immunization
- Parenting classes
- Health assessments
- Screening programs
- Communicable disease follow-up
- Counselling and support for families and individuals
- Identification of community needs and coordination of services
Local residents also benefit from the services of a Dental Health Educator, a Nutritionist, a Public Health Inspector, a Mental Health Social Worker and an Addictions Worker. Numerous services are also available on a referral basis, such as:
For more information contact the Public Health Office at (306) 648-1400.
Gravelbourg is fortunate to have three doctors working in the community.
Larin Medical Clinic
619 Main St
Dr. Larita Ramlakhan and Dr. Intheran Pillay
PH: (306) 648-4505
Dr. Afkham Mousavi
PH:(306) 648-1600.
Primary Health Care Centres
There are two additional Primary Health Care Centres located within 30 minutes of Gravelbourg in Lafleche (Tuesdays & Thursdays) and Mossbank (Mondays & Wednesdays).
For Appointments at either clinic, please direct your call accordingly:
Nurse Practitioner:
Public Health Nurse:
Diabetes Clinics:
Mental Health & Addictions:
1-877-564-0543 or 306-691-6464
Lafleche Primary Care | 315 Main St.
Mossbank Primary Care | 201 3rd Ave W
Medical Transportation
Book your trip today!
Gravelbourg Cares Shuttle Service
Booking: (306) 650-7333
Gravelbourg Cares is a non-profit, customer focused, non-emergency, wellness shuttle service providing punctual, courteous round trip transportation for persons of all ages requiring medical services not available in our home community. Gravelbourg cares offers shuttle from Gravelbourg to Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Assiniboia and Regina.
For more information, download their brochure or visit their Facebook page for more information.
Gravelbourg Cares is supported by community members and local businesses. If you would like to volunteer your time, offer sponsorship, become a driver, or make a donation, please give them a call!
The Transette Bus
Booking: (306) 648-3301 x5
A minimum of 24 hours notice is needed to book or cancel trip.
The Town of Gravelbourg owns a bus equipped with a lift for the purpose of transporting town residents that are unable to use alternate modes of transportation. Please note that this service is not meant as a taxi service and is not traditional public transportation with regularly scheduled stops and pick-ups. Use of the Transette is subject to the availability of the vehicle and drivers. If the client is unable to care for themselves, a caregiver is required and is responsible for securing their clients. Please consult the Transette Policy for more information about this service.
A 24-hour, two-ambulance service operates from Gravelbourg and operates within a 60-km radius of town. The service includes 3 full-time EMT's and 8 part-time staff.
Patient transfers to hospitals in Moose Jaw and Regina are also undertaken.
For more information contact (306) 648-3185.
Gravelbourg has two local full service pharmacies.
Gravelbourg Family Pharmacy
616 Main St
PHL 306-648-1030
Gravelbourg Rexall
511 Main St
PH: 306-648-3331
Mental Healthcare
Rapid Access Counselling (RAC)
Moose Jaw Family Services hosts weekly, FREE in-person counseling clinics at the Town Office (209 Main St. 2nd floor).
To book an appointment email, phone (306) 630-8325/(306) 630-8043 or visit
Youth ages 7-16: Alternating Mondays, 9 am -12 pm and 1 pm - 5 pm. Please see the Community Calendar for dates.
Adults 17+: Tuesdays, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm.
Quick and barrier free. No wait list.
Please visit the Moose Jaw Family Services website for more information.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Maillard Cultural Centre (133 5th Avenue E)
Tuesdays at 8:00 pm
Room 203 (Basement)
Prairie Counselling & Mediation Services
114 6th Ave W | PH: 306-684-0918
Providing counselling and mediation services to Gravelbourg, Assiniboia and surrounding communities
Dental Services

Gravelbourg Dental | 100 6th Ave E
Providing quality dental care for Gravelbourg and the surrounding area since 2014. Visit their website or call (306) 648-4500 to book an appointment.
Gravelbourg & District Food Bank
Please contact Sheryl Cooper at 306-648-8150 to arrange food bank services or to make a donation.
Personal Services
Balance Body Therapy| 114 6th Ave W
Christal DeCap, Registered Massage Therapist
Phone: 306-472-7657
Online Booking:
Central Avenue Physiotherapy | 619 Main St
Offers therapy in Gravelbourg one day per week. For more information contact (306) 773-8313 or visit their website.
Gravelbourg Massage Therapy | 514 Main St
Robert Myles
Phone: 306-648-2824
Wildflower Lymphatic Therapy | 318 Main St
Erica Waldenberger, CMLD & CDT
Phone: 306-630-6210
Gravelbourg Bon Ami Inc.
Gravelbourg Bon Ami Inc. provides an Activity Program that offers a combination quality of life component and long-term employment/job training component, a SARCAN depot and recently a Paint and SWEEP Recycling Program. They also operate a Group Home and Supportive Living Program. Staff and volunteers participate in regular garage sales as part of their fundraising initiatives.
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. |
SARCAN Tuesday to Saturday |
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. |
For more information contact (306) 648-3166.