Election Day is Wednesday, November 11
Wednesday, November 13 is Municipal Election Day in Saskatchewan.
If you are
at least 18 years of age
a Canadian citizen
have lived in Saskatchewan for the past 6 months
have lived in Gravelbourg for the past 3 months
have owned property in Gravelbourg for the past 6 months
then you are eligible to vote!
Wednesday, November 13
Maillard Cultural Centre
133 5th Ave E
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Please remember to bring valid identification
Government-issued, valid, photo ID that lists your name and current address (Driver's license is ideal)
OR x 2 pieces of ID
Government ID with your name (e.g. Health Card) AND a document that includes your name and ADDRESS (tax or utility bill).
You will need to complete a voter registration form.
If you'd like to save time and complete one in advance, you can download it here: https://www.gravelbourg.ca/.../Form_R_Voter_registration.pdf
You are entitled to vote for one mayoral candidate and up to six councilors. To learn more about the candidates, please visit https://www.gravelbourg.ca/town.../municipal_election.html